Cat in the Bag

Cat in the Bag

This story will stay with me for the rest of my life. A first date where she let the cat out of the bag. Quite literally

I will be honest with you all, my luck with online dating has been…shall we say..less than successful. Back in 2012 I was living in London, It was a fantastic year to be there, the entire city was under construction getting ready for the Olympics. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and we were all filled with hope for Team GB! While all this was going on I had signed myself up on one of the many dating sites out there and had started to see what was on offer. I started messaging and chatting away and before I knew it I was arranging to go for a drink with a wonderful girl called Natalie.

So the Saturday comes around, we had arranged to have a drink in a pub called the Star Inn over in Ealing Broadway. I was slightly nervous, this was the first online date I had been on and my friends were a little worried, so they did what any good friend would do, send me messages to make me freak out even more. I have great friends ;)

Anyway I get to the pub, order a drink for me and her and sit down, around 10 mins later I am relieved that she has A) Turned up and B) looks like her picture. I immediately relax  and we get chatting. Around 10 mins into our chat she leans down and puts her handbag on the table, I think nothing of it and continue talking….what a mistake that was. While I’m still chatting away she casually opens her handbag to reveal that there is a small kitten inside. Yes that’s right there was a kitten in her bag.

A little bit shocked by the situation I said “Well you’ve let the cat out of the bag, let’s talk about that!” It turns out that the kittens name is Mittens and this cat goes everywhere with her. To the shops, the bank, to work.. everywhere. It’s also worth mentioning at this point that Natalie works in an Aquarium. I wanted to leave but curiosity got the better of me and I simply had to find out more, also I love kittens and Mittins was so well behaved. She explained that as a kitten Mittens didn’t mind the fish and everyone at work simply loves him and that he loves all the attention.

About 20 mins went by and panic was starting to set in, I was starting to drink my pint rather quickly now and rather regretting my choice to say yes to the extra Ice with my cider. Eventually I finished my drink got up, took her hand and said “ It’s been a delight but I must dash, thank you for showing me your pussy, goodbye” and walked out the door.

As I was rushing to the tube station, I was still trying to process what had just happened. I decided to let my friends know I was ok and I told a few of them what has just happened, more to try and help myself make sense of the situation. Of course my friends being the fantastic people they are started to find every photo they possibly could of a cat in a bag and send it to me. The morel of this story ladies and gentlemen…There is plenty more fish in the sea (until Mittins grows up ;))