Cloudy Cider

Cloudy Cider

Back in 2013 I was on a diet. I used to have these weeks where I would declare I would only eat healthy foods, starting the week on a salad and ending with a KFC bargain bucket.

It was a Friday lunch time and McDonalds was on the menu, now since it had been pretty good that week I deserved a treat. From what I remember it was a quarter pounder with cheese meal but to be honest, the only important part for the story, is that I tracked the calories in my diet app and continued on with my day.

At the end of the day the beers started to be passed around the office and we decided to continue down the pub. Now for some reason we decided to go to a different pub from pub from our regular. I personally only needed to hear it served cloudy cider to be convinced. Now it is worth mentioning at this point all I had eaten that day was the McDonalds at lunch time, normally I would order food at the pub but this time there wasn’t any, however there were board games, so swings and roundabouts.

We had a couple of rounds and then someone suggested the Sambuca shots, after that the details of what happened after become a bit hazy, but from what people told me I will do my best to tell you what happened next. I remember going to the toilet and sitting there for a while, thinking I might be sick. Instead I fell asleep… for about 2 hours. When I woke up I knew I was going to be sick then I managed to make my way back into the pub hoping everyone was still around. Thankfully I saw my co-worker Jeff. Baffled and confused Jeff couldn’t help but laugh as I ran back to the toilet, eventually he decided to call me a taxi using another app on my phone.

As we were standing outside, I got a call from the taxi saying he was outside, I was confused since that is where I was. What I did fail to take into account is that Jeff had also been drinking and had actually order a taxi to take me from my house to the pub, which wasn’t much use to me in my current state. Now normally I would order another taxi but not this time, I thought it was a better idea for me to try and make my own way home by train.

While waiting for the last train I remember having a lovely chat with a man and his dog. After managing to get the train, I fell asleep and missed my stop. This really isn’t my night. Once I got off the train I decided it was too much for me to wait in the taxi queue at the stations so I started to walk home, bearing in mind it is now 2am and I'm about 5 miles away from home. Somehow, I managed to walk most of the way but eventually I got to the point there I needed to sit down for a bit. After 5 minutes I was out like a log.

The next thing I remember I was woken up by a dog licking my face and it was morning, I had managed to fall asleep in a field about 10 minutes away from my house. Feeling almost a little bit stunned I walked the rest of the way home and got into my comfy bed. What did I learn from this experience? Always eat before you drink… especially when Sambuca is involved ;)