Feel my hair it's like a sheep

Feel my hair it's like a sheep

A nightclub, 3 girls and one pickup line that no one would have thought to work in a million years. This is the story of “Feel my hair, it’s like a sheep”

There are many stories from my university years and I’m sure you will hear about more as times goes on but there is one that my close friends will remember for many years to come. It was the second year of university and I was starting to venture out to more places than just the local pub. My friends had been talking about a place called Sound Circus, so one Thursday night I went along with them and I don’t think I could have every quite prepared for what I saw then I got there.

Sound Circus was a heavy metal / rock club, so when I got there instead of seeing girls all dressed up for a night on the town, I saw a lot of guys with spiked up hair, covered in piercings and messy beards. I turned to my friend Greg with a shocked / confused expression to see if this was the right place, he simply lead me to the bar and got me a cider.

As the night went on, we were all enjoying ourselves, and getting a little more merry. At one point I found myself abandoned by my friends and sat next to 3 girls. I remember getting a quick glance from Greg before I turn to them and introduced myself with the most unique icebreaker I could think of at the time. I turned introduced myself and then said the following “It’s lovely to meet you all, by the way, feel my hair, it’s like a sheep.” At this point my friend Greg look around again to see these 3 girls all touching my hair, that look ladies and gentlemen I will always remember.

It is at this point both Greg and my other friend Dave turned up to investigate what had happened and sure enough they quickly picked which of the 3 girls they wanted to talk to leaving me with Stacy. I only remember a few things after that moment. I remember Greg talking to his girl about how archelogy is just an excuse to brush stones (which was backed up by me shouting "You brush stones!" at her, I was pretty drunk..), while Dave talked about Pokémon with his. This lead to a method we all came to call “The Odd Wingman”.

That is the story ladies and gentlemen, if you do take anything from this post I hope that it is, if you ever think an icebreaker is going to sound a bit too odd, try it you never know you might end up pulling some girls for you and your mates.