Pink Slipper

Pink Slipper

For this story I need to give you a bit of a background, so go grab a cuppa and your favourite biscuit, sit back and let’s have another giggle

It all started a couple of months ago, I was in the pub doing card tricks and I got talking to this girl, we had a few laughs and a few drinks and overall it was a very good night. Over the coming months I kept on running into her and eventually I asked her out for coffee.

Over coffee we found that we had lots of common interests, animals, photography, computing, etc. We got along really well, which lead to more dates and just having a good time in general. I know what you are thinking, what is wrong with her? Don’t worry I’m getting to that part.

We had been seeing each other for around 3 weeks and it was a bit of a whirlwind romance, meaning things were moving pretty quickly to the point of it almost snuck up on me and I wasn’t quite sure what was going on.

So it was the middle of the week and we had decided to stay in with a nice meal and watch a bit of Netflix. It was a lovely night and eventually things progressed into the bedroom and we went to sleep. At around 2am I woke up and rolled over to find that she wasn’t there, I opened a sleepy eye to find that there a single slipper placed on the pillow next to me. I was confused for a few reasons as you can imagine but the main one was “I didn’t know she had slippers at my flat” closely followed by “Where’s the other one?”.

I didn’t really get an explanation for it, we broke up very shortly after. She could have been trying to be cute, she could have been trying to be a low budget Cinderella or maybe she was making a reference to one of my Wonderment Minecraft videos. I guess I will put it down to just another odd situation. I hope you have enjoyed this story and that it has given you a giggle during your lunch break.