The Comfortable Tree

The Comfortable Tree

I have slept in some pretty unusual places, this is the story of the comfortable tree

One of the biggest changes in my recent life is when I decided to start rebuilding my social life. When I went through my breakup in London I needed so have a fresh new start and that began with my move down to the south coast.

Soon enough I was seeing all my old friends again, visiting places I hadn’t been too since university and doing the odd magic trick here and there. Along with all my old friends, new friends started to popup and so my social circle started growing again.

There was one night that stands out particularly, I went to a friend’s birthday, I remember getting lost another the way so it started off well. Once I got there I was delighted to find that there were organised party games that I hadn’t played since I was a kid. Musical Chairs, Pass the Parcel and some drinking game that involved skittle vodka. That is where the night gets a bit blurry.

After the events of the night had come to an end, in my slightly tipsy state I decided that walking home was the best idea, that and I didn’t have money for a taxi. So I left the party and started my quest home. A little bit into my journey i started to feel like home might be a little bit further away than I had first thought, so I decided to take a break next to a tree. I thought I would rest there for 5 mins then continue my walk home. What actually ended up happening was I fell asleep but in my defence it was a very comfortable tree.

The next thing I remember was hearing some rustling, in a bit of a daze I started to realise where I was. Once I opened my eyes, I jumped out of the bush, onto the pavement, which startled this poor old lady who was walking her dog. I took moment to collect my thoughts, while  brushed the leaves off myself. Once I had finally worked out where I was, I turned to my left and continued my walk home. I did finally make it home at 8am in the morning into my very comfy bed.

What did I learn from this experience? Mainly that no matter how comfortable a tree looks my bed will always be more comfortable.